Curious about what our camps are really like? 

Hear from past attendees' experiences below!

"In my four years involved in speech and debate competition, some of the most impactful teaching I have ever received came from Tena Crosby. In her workshop, she not only helped my strengths and weaknesses as a communicator, but she transformed my entire attitude towards speech and debate. This year has been one of the best years of competition for me and I owe a huge part of that to Tena Crosby's teachings. I would highly recommend attending her workshop."

~ Student and Former Competitor

"My boys and I had the opportunity to attend Tena Crosby's debate camp last summer and it was such a privilege! Her camp really got to the heart of communication.  We are not just training our children to be good speakers or debaters, our goal is to train them to be good communicators.  Being a good communicator means that we are sensitive not only to our own style of communication, but the style and communication tendencies of those whom we are attempting to communicate with. Tena teaches valuable skills for parents and students alike.  I have continued to apply the things we learned at Tena's camp and hope to attend more camps put on by her in the future. "

~ Parent

"Our three kids took Tena's communication workshop. This was our son's first exposure to debate and being a [quiet] introvert, he just didn't see himself fitting in. Tena's workshop changed all that! In just two days my son discovered that his communication style, although quieter than his two siblings, was also shared by others. Tena's fun, engaging, and hands-on approach enlightens students, empowers them to empathize with others of different strengths, and equips them to impact their judges to the fullest."

~ Debate Parent and Coach

“Of all the lectures and workshops I have watched over my four years as a debater, I have yet to attend one that even comes close to the caliber Tena Crosby gives. As a successful communicator herself, Mrs. Crosby teaches on the type information you want and need to hear. Her class helped me understand the unique strengths and weaknesses my speaking style presents. Not only that, but she gave detailed information on how I could become a better more rounded speaker. If you have the time, I would highly recommend participating in her workshop. You won’t regret it!”

~ Student and Former Competitor

“I benefitted personally, our family was positively impacted, and our club really came together as a community and still talks about the class and what they learned. Most important, I’ve seen kids speak and listen with greater clarity and charity. I know it has made them better debaters, friends, and evangelizers. Highly recommended.”

~ Speech/Debate Parent, Coach, and Club Director

"This camp is an amazing opportunity for debate families both novice and varsity alike. With their decade of experience, the Crosbys bring an over-the-chart seminar with thoughtfully crafted activities that empower families as they master the art of communication for the whole family. This camp creates an unique opportunity for families to grow in maturity and speaking skills together. We strongly recommend this camp for the whole family!"

~ Speech/Debate Parent