Speech Essentials is a customized speech camp focused on developing students into skilled communicators who begin with the end in mind.




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Speech Essentials is a three-day summer camp for students age 12 to 18 who want to develop their speech skills. Speech Essentials equips students to understand the impact of their message, learn the skills needed to communicate that message effectively, and practice the process of competent communication. Tena will teach students strategies to grow their speaking skills and discuss new approaches to leverage speech and debate club participation.

Effective communication skills are critical for success in all areas of life. Students who can communicate effectively have an advantage not only in the competitive forensic sphere, but also in personal relationships and future careers. At camp, students are provided with a unique opportunity to develop these skills in a supportive and engaging environment.

Speech Essentials is designed to be accessible to students at all levels of experience, whether they are just starting or already have some speech skills. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice the process of competent communication, allowing them to build their confidence and develop their abilities. Ultimately, Speech Essentials focuses deeply on cultivating character, integrity, and balance through speech.

As with all our camps, parent participation is not required at Speech Essentials but it is strongly encouraged. Parents, your presence and engagement in each session will help you and your student gain mutual knowledge and understanding. Taking the time to be at camp will better equip you to see the big picture of how speech fits into your student’s education and the important role you play. There is no fee for parent participation.

"I was told a few weeks before coming that we were going to a speech camp. I was the opposite of excited and was not looking forward to it because I didn't like the idea of giving speeches. When we showed up, I was really nervous. But the people there were really nice and I knew multiple of them. The time spent talking and clarifying about the speeches was great and insightful for me because I had hardly ever given speeches before. It all payed off though because my mom made me join speech and debate club later."


"Speech Essentials Camp was inspiring, encouraging, and highly motivating for our family to understanding the heart of Speech and Debate.  After attending this camp, we have never forgotten the 'why' when we have hit tough moments during the prep and tournament season.  Tena Crosby is truly a gifted speaker that communicates not only the skills of Speech and Debate, but the bigger picture of discipling our kids through it!"
