Tena is President and Owner of Fast Track Communication, an organizational development consulting firm specializing in individual and organizational effectiveness.  Tena works with businesses, schools, and government agencies to improve communication, resolve conflict, and develop skills in individuals for improved organizational effectiveness.  Tena provides training on topics such as conflict resolution, time management, team building, communication skills, effective meetings, motivation, mediation, and public speaking - just to name a few.  In addition, Tena works with organizations on issues of organizational development, providing services such as retreat facilitation, team building, and other organizational development interventions.

Tena has been involved as an NCFCA parent for over twelve years. She has coached National Champions in speech, debate, Moot Court, and scholarship competitions. As president of Fast Track Communication, Tena is bringing her valuable experience and unique skills as a professional trainer to today's debaters.


Cady is an NCFCA alumnus, as well as a speech and debate coach. During her time in high school forensics, Cady competed in most speech events and placed nationally several years in a row. Cady competed in Lincoln-Douglas debate for four years and placed nationally there as well. She has a passion for helping students reach their potential and see that there is more than one way to be competitive at speech and debate. Cady is skilled at helping students reach for the best version of themselves and not just try to fit into a mold of what a "good" speaker or debater looks like.

Cady works as a Client Service Manager for Washington Trust Bank in Smokey Point, WA. She is married and has three dogs.


Lucy is an NCFCA alumnus, as well as a speech and debate coach. She currently serves as the online class producer for Fast Track Communication, providing online support for training participants. Lucy is  a lead instructor for Young Presenters, a program designed to cultivate public speaking and effective communication skills in children at an early age. She works one-on-one with participants to improve their ability to persuade others in a winsome manner. Lucy has competed in and placed nationally in most speech events, Lincoln-Douglas debate, Team Policy debate, and Moot Court. Lucy is a speech coach, debate coach, and Moot Court coach.

Lucy is considering a career in pediatric physical, occupational, and speech therapy. 


Sarah is an NCFCA alumnus, as well as a speech and debate coach.  Sarah competed in and placed nationally in most speech events: Lincoln-Douglas debate, Team Policy debate, and Moot Court. She is a senior at Patrick Henry College studying Strategic Intelligence. Sarah has participated in several strategic intelligence projects, most notably HIVE, CRADA, and the China Threat Project. HIVE focuses on Hezbollah’s influence in Venezuela and is currently focusing on mining operations within the country as well as their connection to Iran. CRADA is a geospatial intelligence project researching the Chinese military reserves and their changing nature. The China Threat Project is a project that applies sociocultural and military intelligence to the Chinese military and its implications for the United States. 

Sarah has a strong appreciation for shoes.