Unlocking Excellence is a specialized debate camp centered on Lincoln-Douglas debate students ready to go to the next level.




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If you have the basics of Lincoln-Douglas debate down, it’s time to engage with the full potential of what LD has to offer. This particular style of debate is critical to helping students understand that issues, for the most part, have more than one side to them. This camp helps unlock the secrets of Lincoln-Douglas and focuses on improving character in students while they struggle with some of life’s most important issues.

We’ll focus on the 2024 NCFCA Lincoln-Douglas resolution, but the skills learned in this camp go far beyond the competition room. Students will learn how to take challenging and difficult concepts and break them down into an understandable fashion. If you want your student to be not just a skilled debater but a deep thinker, LD Intensive: Unlocking Excellence is for you!

As with all our camps, parent participation is not required at Unlocking Excellence but it is strongly encouraged. Parents, your presence and engagement in each session will help you and your student gain mutual knowledge and understanding. Taking the time to be at camp will better equip you to see the big picture of how debate fits into your student’s education and the important role you play. There is no fee for parent participation.