Experience speech and debate coaching in a way you never have before in this year’s camp experience! 

For the third summer, Tena Crosby is bringing her extensive communication training to the Pacific Northwest, growing the next generation of debaters and speakers. This is not your average speech or debate camp - each camp is an immersive experience, created with both parent and child in mind. Participants are taught to understand the impact of their arguments, both inside and outside of rounds. They will learn the intricacies of debate while also being taught the importance of competent and effective communication.

Tena's camps are a multi-faceted approach to forensics that is centered on creating debaters and speakers who are Christ-centered, well-rounded, effective communicators.



Tena brings her professional development approach to her summer speech and debate camps by designing camps with specific learning objectives in mind. Each camp is created, tailored, and delivered for a particular objective. To put it in technical terms, these camps are designed using the Just-in-Time learning model. Not all students need the same training at the same time. Some basic knowledge may be too basic for students with more advanced experience. On the other hand, some students may not have mastered the fundamentals yet and need training on those basics. This is precisely why we have specialized camps for targeted learning needs.

With that in mind, please explore the objectives listed for each camp and assess where your student(s) best fit. If you have difficulty determining which camp might be best for you and your family, please reach out - we are more than happy to help!


Please know that these camps are designed with both parents AND students in mind. There is specific parent training built into each camp that empowers parents to help and direct their students through these skills as part of their educational development.  In each camp, parents are intentionally equipped in their role and specific skills, and in turn, students are directed in each camp to seek out and utilize their parents as their primary mentors. 

To put it simply - these camps are for parent and student(s). Participating parents do NOT pay tuition.



"I have been to a few debate camps over my 5 years in NCFCA but no one has made a debate camp as fun and exciting as this one. It wasn't all about learning the resolution or a specific topic for hours and hours on end, but instead it helped better our communication abilities through teamwork and competition… If someone asked me to define Mrs Crosby’s debate camp in one word, I would say that it was an invaluable experience.”

“Both the Boot Camp and MasterCamp debate camps that our kids attended last summer were a wonderful and worthwhile investment! The camps were engaging and filled with great tips and wisdom to aid them as grow in their skills as debaters. As a parent, the true gift to our family was the way Mrs. Crosby and her children cast a vision for how the kids were learning real world communication that would serve them their whole lives. I highly recommend these camps and that parents also try to make the time to attend. You won’t be disappointed!” 

"It helped me understand how all the parts of debate work. This is my first year and it made the first 6 weeks of club so much more understandable!"


Boot Camp, July 22-24, Yakima WA

LD Intensive, July 25-27, Yakima WA

Elevated Debate Camp, July 29-31, Tacoma WA

Debate Wars, August 5-7, Spokane WA

Boot Camp, August 19-21, Poulsbo WA

More information about details & registration are coming soon!